
Saturday, December 11, 2004

More Santa Visits

Sorry it's been a few days. The first few days of the week were stellarly boring. Not a thing going on, and then Thursday and Friday I was SO weak and run down I was scared something was wrong. Then Friday night I came down w/ a full blown nasty cold. So Thursday and Friday were just my body trying to fight it off (and losing the battle). So I haven't even been on the computer much, and that's sayin' something!

Friday night we took Riley AND Crystal to a Santa pet function at another outdoor mall. (Photos to follow later.) It was a fundraiser for a local no-kill shelter. The turnout was 1/4 of what we saw two years ago and I don't know why, but it was still fun to go and see the dogs that showed up. Of course Riley was a hit, he even made it on tv! (Video to follow later.) But Crystal was almost as big a hit if not bigger! M brought her in her new Pet Pocket, and she was SO CALM! I would have never though that this monster crazy neurotic cat would stay calm in such strange surroundings! But she really does LOVE adventure, and she can't hear the dogs barking (she's deaf) so all in all it went amazingly well.

We were going to have pet photos taken w/ Santa (cuz it's a fundraiser, not because we need MORE photos with Santa!) but I forgot my wallet so we had to skip that part. But then when everything was winding down, the lady said she just HAD to take Santa photos for Riley and Crystal for free because they were just so adorable! So we got more Riley pix w/ Santa, and one of Crystal w/ Santa, who stayed totally well-behaved even out of her Pet Pocket.


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