
Sunday, November 21, 2004

So how is Riley?

Riley is getting so big.

His hair-standing-on-end fuzzy-baby-coat is now going away and turning into a regular hair-laying-down pug coat. His hair stayed upright-fuzzy for a LONG time. Even when he was tiny other pug owners commented on how unusual his fuzzy coat was.

Riley has COMPLETELY conquered stairs. I've heard of some grown pugs that won't do stairs. I think that if you buy into the myth that pugs are untrainable or that pugs are "too stubborn", it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. People who hand-feed their pugs kibble one pellet at a time and carry their grown, healthy dogs up and down the stairs need to learn to stop teaching that dog that this is even an option. Thank you Cesar Millan for being there! He would never allow any of his dogs, regardless of breed, to develop strange behavior like that, and he would correct your dog if you let him into your home, and my dog if I let him into mine. That's why I show Riley what he can do. What he can learn now, he learns, and what takes more time will take more time. I don't force him. Never. But when he's an adult, he'll be obedient AND HAPPY. Just like Cesar says all dogs can be: obedient, well-behaved, AND HAPPY, regardless of breed. Cesar is such an inspiration to me. Watching him as well as talking to dog trainers and animal behaviorists in town, I know that almost anything is possible w/ Riley.

Today we went to Home Depot (he in his discreet carrier) [some home depots allow dogs, whether it's offical or not I have no idea]. We also cleaned out the garage and went to see Mom. He scared Mom's cats (or, just pissed them off, LOL). I think today really wore him out.

It's amazing how people stop to see him. Today we were at a traffic light and this lady was pointing and smiling and trying to get my attention. I rolled down the window and she's like "Where did you GET him?" Everyone wants to know WHERE I got him. I never anticpated that that would be the most commonly-asked question... but it is.

He's been SO good w/ housetraining. He's gone many days with no accidents. He peed his crate tonight but that was my fault, I lost track of time.

He is a darling little angel. He brings us such joy!

It's wild to watch his coat change over time. He used to be a dark baby with a really dark chest with a white patch. Now his chest is very pale and the now his forehead is very dark when it didn't used to be.

Still no forehead wrinkles though. I wonder if he'll get them.


Blogger Shannon said...

I'll bet he'll get wrinkles on his little head. Ike was pretty smooth headed for the first few months. Now he's got a ton of wrinkles! Riley is so adorable! Oh, and if you carry him in a bag or a stroller or something and act like you know exactly what you're doing you can take him anywhere! I take Kea to the mall in her stroller and we walk right through the doors that say no pets.

2:00 PM  

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